Courtesies will be collected in the Courtesy Office located in Directors Row 3 in the Hilton:

Monday, July 22, 2024, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Tuesday, July 23, 2024, from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Wednesday, July 24, 2024, from 1:15 pm to 2:45 pm
Thursday, July 25, 2024, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Friday, July 26, 2024, from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm

IMPORTANT: A Mother’s gift always comes from the heart, but a delivered gift is peace of mind. So please be sure to include inside your wrapped gift a tag to your recipient, as they would love to know who sent the gift to them. If you decide to extend an electronic gift of love, please send it to their email address. For National Convention, courtesies are extended to the National Executive Board, and if your budget allows Past National Officers and the Headquarters Staff.

We’re excited to help distribute your courtesies and look forward to the joy this process will bring to our conference. For tracking, collecting, and shipping purposes, please document all courtesies given via this link QLSfqJITabLoe7O0GRf6IY0gL0CSEHugcUiurY7jpJet-fj9AkQ/viewform. If you have any additional questions, please stop by the Courtesy Office.

In Kindness,

2024 National Convention Courtesies Committee Yvonne Blake, Courtesies Chair
Joselynne Walden Forde, National Protocol Chair

ATTACHED:  National Convention Courtesies Letter with NEB Email Addresses