Teens and LTAs:
We are excited to announce the teen competition rules for the 2021 Area Workday (AWD). Teens who wish to participate in Oratorical and/or Talent Show, must register for the MI/OH AWD.
This year, oratorical competitions will take place via Zoom the weekend of November 5-7, 2021. Teens who wish to participate must be available Friday evening for orientation and on Saturday morning (MI/OH) or Sunday afternoon (IL/TriState) for oratorical presentations and judging.
The virtual oratorical competition is a qualifying session and high scoring teens in grades 9-12 may advance to perform in person at the 2022 Teen Leadership Conference (TLC) at Washington University, St. Louis.
Talent Show auditions will also be by video. Teens selected for the Talent Show will perform in person at the 2022 TLC. Please note, due to time constraints Talent Show audition submissions MUST be uploaded no later than MIDNIGHT (EST) in .mp4 format. Any submissions that are not in the correct format will not be considered. Files must use the following naming convention: Name of Teen, Chapter, Talent, and Lead Teen Advisor’s Name. For example: Smith.Brayden.Toledo.Talent.LTA Jane Smith.mp4.
Please read the importation information below, including the Teen AWD Oratorical Competition rules and submission guidelines for the Talent Show.
We look forward to seeing you soon on Zoom!
Please note that if you sign up to participate in an Teen Competition and don’t show up you will be charged $25.
JJMWR Teen Competitions Committee
Angelita Cruz Bridges, Chair
Jennifer E. Harris, Co-Chair