Below are frequently asked questions related to payment, refunds, and access to the virtual event.
What is the price of a ticket and what is included?
o General Admission / $35 – includes: one (1) unique link to login and access to the Black-Eyed Susan Day party showcasing a live DJ and mixology demonstration and photo booth.
o VIP Admission* / $65 – LIMITED. Must be purchased by Saturday, May 1, 2021. Ticket includes: one (1) enhanced participation gift basket and all general admission ticket access. (1 unique link to login and access to the Black-Eyed Susan Day party showcasing a live DJ and mixology demonstration and photo booth)
* VIP baskets must be picked up in person (21+ only) during the week of May 10th. Baskets will NOT be shipped. Pick-up instructions and location will be sent after May 1st.
o $21 of each ticket is tax-deductible
Can I pay by check?
To pay by check, you must work with the Annapolis (MD) member who invited you. She will then submit your name to give you access to the virtual site. All payments on this site are credit card only.
What is the Refund Policy?
We understand that circumstances change and you may not be able to attend, however, there are no refunds. .
When is the last day to purchase tickets?
Tickets may be purchased until May 12, 2021 at 11:59pm EST.
How will I access the party on May 15 12th?
The week before the party, an email will be sent to the email address you used when you purchased your ticket. You will need to sign in with the password used to purchase or you can create a new password. You will be able to login starting at 2:30pm on May 15th. Go to the Sign In Page to enter the party.
Do I have to use the same email address when I confirm my ticket registration for signing on the night of the gala?
Yes, whatever email address you use to buy your ticket MUST be the same email address you use to log on the day of the party.
I am having trouble with streaming audio, I can’t hear the speaker through my computer speakers, the streaming stopped… what do I do?
If you are not able to hear any audio through your computer speakers first check to make sure your speakers are not muted or turned off. The next step is to refresh your screen by pressing the F5 key on your keyboard or clicking the “refresh” button in your web browser.
The slides are not loading; I can’t see the video or slides, other technical issues. Ensure you meet hardware, software and bandwidth requirements well in advance.
Step 1: Browser Tests
Please take the following browser test:
Step 2: Review the following Technical Requirements and be sure your system and networks are up to date.
Minimum System Requirements:
2.0Ghz Processor or faster 2 GB RAM (Greater than 2 GB recommended) Minimum Browser Requirements:
Browser must support HTML-5. To detect your browser version, run
Windows 7 or later Mac OS X 10.9 or later Chrome 60 or greater Firefox 52 or greater Edge 14 or greater Safari 10 or greater iOS 10 or greater Internet Explorer 11 IP Addresses and Ports to Allow for HTML5: port 80, 443 (web and audio) port 80, 443 (web and audio) ports 80, 443 (web and audio) ports 80, 443 (web and audio) ports 80, 443 (web and audio)
Other Recommendations: It is recommended that you use a PC or MAC with an updated Internet Browser. Make sure you have pop-ups blockers disabled in your Internet browser settings. Make sure that your internet browser is Active X enabled. Wifi is not recommended. The problem with WiFi is signal strength can vary causing bandwidth to increase or decrease. We recommend a wired connection. A wired connection gives a consistent signal and consistent bandwidth. A wired connection provides a better experience. Audio (sound) is projected through your computer speakers. Be sure your computer is equipped with speakers or the room where the conference is being broadcast is equipped with speakers so you can hear the presenters.
Need Further Technical Assistance?
Please send an email to