Below are frequently asked questions related to payment, refunds, substitutions, and attire
Can I pay by chapter check? 
Yes, with the approval of your chapter President and Treasurer,  Chapter Checks (not personal checks) will be accepted for payment. Checks should be made payable to Jack and Jill of America, Southeastern Region, and received no later than September 16, 2019. Registration is not complete until the chapter check is received. Mail payment to:
                                            Tammie Pickett McFarland
                                            Southeaster Regional Treasurer
                                            17633 Gunn Highway
                                            Suite 113
                                            Odessa, Florida 33556
Please send no signature required.  
What is the Refund Policy?
We understand that circumstances change and you may not be able to attend. The policy is as follows:
  • ALL Refund requests must be received by October 10, 2019 by emailing 
  • Cancellation fee is $100.00 for each registration, no matter the circumstance.
  • Per the Financial Handbook, do not use the charge-back feature in PayPal; doing so will subject you to additional fees and restrict future credit card use. 
  • After October 10, 2019, refund requests will not be accepted. 
If I cannot attend, can another mother take my place?
Yes, substitutions will be accepted until October 13, 2019 by sending the Substitution Form to  All monetary transactions must be between the two mothers. After October 13th, substitutions will not be accepted. 
When is the last day to register?
Registration is open until September 30, 2019 at 11:59pm or until it sells out, whichever comes first. Once registration closes, a waiting list will be started. 
What is the attire for Saturday, October 26th?
Business casual attire is appropriate for the day.
How do I change the workshop selections made during registration?
Come back to the registration site, select Register, then scroll to the bottom of the page and select "View or Modify an Existing Registration."  You will need to enter the email address used at registration and the password you created. Changes will be accpeted until October 13, 2019.
How can I reserve a hotel room?
After you complete registration, you will receive a confirmation email that will have the link to the hotel's registration site. Follow the link to reserve per the hotel's conditions. More details are on the Hotel Page.