As Director of the Mid-Western Region, it is my pleasure to welcome each of you to the 32nd Mid-Western Region Mothers Conference.  I'm excited to have you participate in this virtual event focused on "Mission-Minded Strength for Today, Dream-Driven Hope for Tomorrow." This theme was carefully chosen to reflect how our strength and hope not only empower us but keep us focused on what's in front of us and what we have yet to achieve. 

This conference brings together chapters, delegates and alternates from Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin to conduct the business of our mighty region. Engaging workshops will focus on mental health, programming, advocacy and continue our Master Class series.  Our Associate jewels will experience their own track of insightful workshops, enjoy a family reunion style meet and greet and welcome the newest jewels with the bridging over ceremony. At this conference we will celebrate our accomplishments and more importantly celebrate you!

To put a conference together is not a small task and this is the first time our Mothers Conference is executed virtually under our new event execution model.  We have spent countless hours preparing what we believe to be an informative, engaging and ground-breaking conference.  Thank you for joining us on this journey.  Thank you also to the entire Regional Team for all of your hard work and efforts to thoughtfully prepare a conference with our membership in mind. Lastly, I would like to thank the Regional Executive Board for their unwavering dedication to our Mighty Mid-Western Region.  

Thank you for joining us and I look forward to welcoming you. 

Tanya Watson
Regional Director
Mid-Western Region