Candidates for Regional Teen Officer

For more information on each candidate, download the Candidate Profile Book

Candidates for Regional Teen President

Bradley Adams
Pomona Area Chapter

The Reason I am Pursuing This Office

The reason I am pursuing the office of FWR Teen President is to continue to lead in the Jack and Jill way. This translates to demonstrating a path to excellence. I have been an active and dedicated member of Jack and Jill of America, Inc since 2004. I have served my community and desire to demonstrate and leave a positive mark on what we can do as teens from the Fabulous Far West Region. Building leaders, now more than ever is what I want for all teens, especially Jack and Jill teens.

I'm a proven leader. I am passionate and a persistent learner. With the guidance of our Regional Director and Regional Teen Advisor, I am certain that I will be able to engage with my peers making 2021-2022 one of the best program years.


Candidates for Regional Teen Vice President

Candidates for Regional Teen Secretary

Candidates for Regional Teen Treasurer

Jordan Hart
Tuscon Chapter

The Reason I am Pursuing This Office

Serving the community and the Jack and Jill Far West Region is important to me. To be a leader you must serve. I am a servant leader. I serve on the Women’s Foundation of Southern Arizona’s Unidas program to improve the lives of women and girls and fundraise for our local black owned community center. I serve as treasurer of the MEC Youth Advisory Council and the Far West Region. During my service as treasurer, I have demonstrated excellent budgeting, money management and communication skills. As the Regional Teen Treasurer, I facilitate budget meetings with Chapter Teen Treasurers. It is important to utilize great communication skills with the Regional Teen Board, Teens and Mother Members. As your Regional Teen Treasurer, my duties will be fulfilled with the highest level of integrity and representation of our regional teen voice.

My experience in finance and my servant leadership style, will serve the Far West Region Teens in the successful implementation of our Regional Teen Activities. I believe in you, the mission of our organization, and the power we have to be the change our country needs. Please vote for Jordan Hart as Regional Teen Treasurer.

Candidates for Regional Teen Foundation Chair

Evan Bowman
Los Angeles Chapter

The Reason I am Pursuing This Office

As your 2020-21 RTFC, I have worked on converting our Jack and Jill FWR teen service and fundraising programming to the COVID-19 landscape. For our 2020 Area Work Day community service activity, I organized a successful letter writing campaign to senior citizens who are isolated due to the pandemic. For our teen regional fundraising initiative, I’m planning a region-wide restaurant fundraiser supporting small, local, Black owned restaurants with your teen foundation chairs. I’ve met with your chapter teen FCs monthly to ensure that the teens in every chapter-- large and small-- are represented, in the loop, and reaching their full potential. As your RTFC I provide fundraising and community service resources to all of you; One of my ongoing projects in support of FWR teens is to create a regional community service directory. This will make it easy for teens to find service opportunities recommended by their JJ brothers and sisters and strengthen our regional network. If I am reelected, I will continue to listen to and support all of you and expand our JJ impact region-wide.

Lauryn Hardaway
Phoenix Chapter

The Reason I am Pursuing This Office

Because of my commitment to helping my community and engaging other teens to do the same, I have chosen to pursue the office of Regional Teen Foundation Chair. I have enjoyed my time as TFC of the Phoenix Chapter, and I am ready to take on an even bigger challenge. I am passionate about community service and eager to share my ideas with the Far West Region. Supporting the mission of the Jack and Jill, Incorporated Foundation on the regional level is an exciting opportunity, and I would be honored to represent the teens of the Far West Region in this office.