ETIQ 102: It's Protocol not Personal
Date & Time
Saturday, October 2, 2021, 3:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Courtney Woods - Southeastern Region, Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
Jaynaia Griggs - Southeastern Region, Jack and Jill of America Inc.
Jaynaia Griggs - Southeastern Region, Jack and Jill of America Inc.

Target Audience: Chapter Protocol Chairs, New members, Chapter Officers, and all interested members.
Have you wondered why we wear white, or why certain people sit on the dais? Do you want tips on how to provide an optimal experience for VIP guests to your events? Well this workshop is designed to take the answer those questions and more to take the mystery out of the ceremonies, customs, and protocols in Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
Facilitators: Courtney Woods, Southeastern Region Protocol Chair; Jaynaia Griggs, Southeastern Region Immediate Past Protocol Chair
Location Name
Teasley Ballroom Salon 3, Ground Level
Session Type