GOV 101: Governance Nuts & Bolts
Date & Time
Saturday, October 2, 2021, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Danielle Roberts - Southeastern Region, Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
Mavis Parkman James - Jack and Jill of America Inc.
Mavis Parkman James - Jack and Jill of America Inc.

Target Audience: Chapter Parliamentarians, Bylaws Chairs, Chapter officers, and all interested members
Are you afraid to make a motion in the meeting? Do you want to know how to stop endless debates? Come learn about the basics of parliamentary procedure, changes made in the updated Bylaws Template, the National Constitution & Bylaws Amendment process, and more.
Facilitator: Danielle Roberts, Southeastern Region Bylaws Chair & Past National Treasurer Mavis Parkman James
Location Name
Teasley Ballroom Salon 2, Ground Level
Session Type