Facilitators: Nadine Gibson, National Treasurer, Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, Tammie McFarland, Regional Treasurer, Southeastern Region, and Members of the Southeastern Region Budget and Finance Committee
Description: This session is all about the MONEY! Understanding and adhering to the Financial Handbook will promote the overall success of how any chapter financial officer is supported and able to represent the Financial Arm of her chapter. Together, along with members of the SER Regional Budget and Finance committee; workshop attendees will learn valuable tools of the trade for managing financial transactions in QuickBooks in an effort to assist and promote adherence to our national financial governing document. We believe training begins now so that each financial officer can be knowledgeable, and ready to serve at her best. Attendees will leave equipped to uphold their fiduciary responsibility to her chapter this program and beyond. We are positive attendees will walk away armed and ready for the road to a successful Year-End Financial Submission.