Full Name
Paula Owen Willmarth
Job Title
VP for Political Planning and Appointments
Speaker Bio
Paula is a retired Social Worker and lives in Kansas City MO with her 3 cats. She claims to be a political junkie as she is always involved in local, state and national politics and campaigns. She serves as the Democratic State Committee woman for Missouri’s 34th Senatorial District; and is currently involved in several state races in MO. She is proud to be a part of the “Women for Biden” effort that is currently underway and was elected as a Biden delegate to the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
She currently serves as NWPC VP for Political Planning and Appointments and is immediate past President of MOWPC. She has been affiliated with her state and local caucuses for many years, serving both as President. She also serves as Chair of the NWPC Political Planning Committee where national candidates are recommended for NWPC endorsement. Paula says this is her most exciting work because she comes in contact with so many national candidates and their campaigns. She has previously served as VP of Communications, NWPC. Paula also serves on the Board of the NWPC Foundation.
She has held positions of leadership in both her state and local caucus and she has served on the NWPC Board of Directors for 8 years.
She currently serves as NWPC VP for Political Planning and Appointments and is immediate past President of MOWPC. She has been affiliated with her state and local caucuses for many years, serving both as President. She also serves as Chair of the NWPC Political Planning Committee where national candidates are recommended for NWPC endorsement. Paula says this is her most exciting work because she comes in contact with so many national candidates and their campaigns. She has previously served as VP of Communications, NWPC. Paula also serves on the Board of the NWPC Foundation.
She has held positions of leadership in both her state and local caucus and she has served on the NWPC Board of Directors for 8 years.
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