Full Name
Coralee Auverson Brewer
Job Title
Foundation Communications/NWPC Certified Trainer
NWPC Foundation
Speaker Bio
Coralee became a NWPC certified trainer last year in St. Louis. After working in prepress/production for a daily newspaper for over 30 years she has seen the focus on messaging move from print to digital. When she first began doing publicity work for the local NWPC chapter in Spokane in the 90’s creating flyers and putting them up on every community bulletin board in town served as “social media”. The contact list was the snail mail address of every community calendar outlet in the region. Now with digital methods the free and very low cost digital opportunities are at our fingertips.
Now even more images are key. Statistics show that posts with images receive many more responses and reactions than just text. Voter’s attention spans are short, we need to grab them and hold them long enough for them to hear our message. We will talk about what makes a good visual image great.
Now even more images are key. Statistics show that posts with images receive many more responses and reactions than just text. Voter’s attention spans are short, we need to grab them and hold them long enough for them to hear our message. We will talk about what makes a good visual image great.
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