Full Name
Sue Hammell
Job Title
Former Provincial Legislator (MLA) and Cabinet Minister in the BC Provincial Legislature
National Democratic Institute
Speaker Bio
Sue Hammell made world history when she led the campaign(despite grumbles from many male party officials) and passed a revolutionary party rule mandating that every time a white male in her party retired, gave up his seat, passed away or moved, the seat would have to be taken by a woman, First Nation member, LGTBQ or other minority, until the party (the National Democratic Party of British Columbia) reached parity with its members. That was 20 years ago – when she retired from her decade and a half Parliamentary service, the party’s percentage of women had gone from 16% to 46%. In 15 years, Sue was able to do what no other party in the world has done: leveled the playing field for women to be elected.
An international trainer for the National Democratic Institute, this Canadian is the only non-American who has trained and been certified as a NWPC trainer. She lives on Denman Island, off Vancouver Island in BC, Canada, and will be joining us on image, voice and self-confidence tips.
An international trainer for the National Democratic Institute, this Canadian is the only non-American who has trained and been certified as a NWPC trainer. She lives on Denman Island, off Vancouver Island in BC, Canada, and will be joining us on image, voice and self-confidence tips.
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