Amendments of Standing Rules require majority vote. The adoption of Standing Rules require a 2/3 vote.
- The Area Director shall preside at all business meetings of the 45th Southern Area Conference when possible. In her absence or vacating of the chair, the Area Vice Director, or with the approval of the Conference, a chairman pro tempore shall preside.
- A quorum for conducting the business of the 45th Southern Area Conference shall be a majority of the registered delegates and three elected officers.
- The order of business of the 45th Southern Area Conference shall be the printed agenda as adopted or amended by a majority of the registered Delegates.
- All cellular phones shall be in either the off or vibrate mode during business meetings. No calls shall be answered or placed in the meeting hall.
- The Area Secretary shall serve as the credentials representative, and at the beginning of the first business meeting shall report the number of Delegates and Alternates registered and present with proper credentials. Supplementary reports shall be made when there is a change in the number of registered Delegates and/or as directed by the presiding officer.
- A voting member must be registered prior to assuming her role as Delegate.
- Delegates shall wear official badges at all business meetings, and shall be seated in the designated section and seat assigned to their chapter at least 15 minutes before the opening of business meetings.
- Delegates not seated in their designated seat at the opening of business meetings shall be fined five dollars ($5.00), which shall be paid prior to being seated.
- A member registered as an Alternate shall be considered fully certified by the Area Secretary, and may assume the seat of the Delegate at any time during business meetings except while a motion is on the floor.
- Only registered Links with official badges shall be admitted to the business meetings. Links, Connecting Links, Heir-o-Links and guests shall be required to wear their official badge for admission to all other Conference activities.
- All members may participate in debate, but only registered Delegates, national or area officers, and committee chairs shall make and/or second motions. Only registered Delegates shall vote. In the absence of the Delegate, the registered Alternate Delegate has the same power and privilege as the Delegate.
- Members wishing to obtain the floor for the purpose of making a motion or debating a motion, shall: (1) approach the microphone; (2) address the chair; (3) give her name, chapter and state, advise the chair if she is a Delegate, Alternate or a member; and, (4) wait to be recognized by the chair.
- All original main motions and amendments shall be submitted in writing on the form provided. The maker of the motion shall date, sign her name and chapter, and present the completed form, including a second, to the Area Secretary immediately following its reading.
- With the exception of those prepared by the Southern Area Executive Committee or those previously circulated to chapters, all recommendations and resolutions with rationale shall be submitted in writing to the Recommendations/Resolutions Committee.
- Debate shall be limited to two minutes per speaker on each debatable question. A maximum of ten minutes shall be allowed per question. No member shall speak more than once on the same question until all who wish to speak have spoken. No more than two members from the same chapter shall speak on a given question. As much as possible, debate shall alternate between pros and cons.
- Voting shall be by general consent or electronic handheld devices. Voting for candidates shall be by electronic or paper ballot. The presiding officer shall have the authority to direct any necessary change to this procedure such as a counted rising vote or the use of raising chapter signs.
- All reports and other materials for permanent records shall be typed. One copy shall be given to the Area Secretary and one copy to the Area Director before the close of the 45th Southern Area Conference.
- The Area Secretary shall record all official business of the 45th Southern Area Conference. This is the responsibility of the Area Secretary irrespective of other personnel, employed assistants, or mechanical devices used to assist the Secretary.
- All meetings shall begin at the designated time and shall adhere to the allotted time in order to conduct necessary business on schedule.
- An unopposed candidate for an office, representative to The Links Foundation, Incorporated, or nominating committee may waive her right to speak.
- The maximum amount of time allowed for candidates’ speeches is three minutes for candidates for office and representative to The Links Foundation, Incorporated, and two minutes for members of the nominating committee.
- Timekeepers shall be appointed for the duration of the 45th Southern Area Conference and shall be considered ex-officio members of the Rules Committee.