45th Southern Area Conference

“Friendship & Service:  Our Partnership, Our Promise”

Preliminary Agenda


TUES Apr 30, 2019      

6:00 pm-6:45 pm                           Executive Committee Dinner Meeting

7:00-9:00pm                                   Food                       


WEDS May 1, 2019

8:00am– 6:00pm                           General Registration

                                                          SASI Sapphire Registration and Lounge                               

9:00 – 11:30am                                Community Service Project

Noon-1:00pm                                  Vendor Ribbon Cutting

Noon-7pm                                       Vendors/Chapter Exhibits

1:00pm-2:00pm                              Delegates Workshop

                                                           First Time Attendees Workshop

                                                           Conference Committee Meetings

4:30-5:30pm                                    Memorial Service

7:30-9:30pm                                    45th Southern Area Conference Opening and Concert


THURS May 2, 2019

6:00am-6:15am                             MBS Meditation/Prayer

6:15 am-7:00am                            Nature Walk

8:00am– 6:00pm                          General Registration

                                                         SASI Sapphire Registration and Lounge                                             

8:00am-6:00pm                           Vendors/Chapter Exhibits

8:00am-11:30am                           Opening Ceremony

                                                        Plenary I

Noon-1:30pm                                Friendship Luncheon

2:00pm-5:00pm                           Plenary II

                                                        *Candidate Speeches/Candidates Forum

5:00pm-6:00pm                           Voting Training                                           

6:00pm-7:30pm                           Literary Links Café                                                    

7:30pm-9:00pm                           Meet Orlando Event


FRI May 3, 2019

6:00am-6:15am                             MBS Meditation/Prayer                                                        

6:15 am-7:00am                            Nature Walk                                 

8:00am– 6:00pm                          General Registration

                                                         SASI Sapphire Registration and Lounge

8:00am-6:00pm                            Vendors/Chapter Exhibits

8:00am-8:30am                             Voting: Area Officers/Nom. Comm. Chair

                                                          Chapter Delegates Only

8:45am-9:45am                             Plenary III

10:00am-11:30am                         Workshops I-Operational

Noon-2:00pm                                Civic Luncheon-National President Keynote Speaker

2:30pm-4:00pm                             Workshops II-Program

4:00pm-6:00pm                            Chapter Photos                                          

6:00pm-7:00pm                            Cluster Reception

7:00pm-9:00pm                            Cluster Event


SAT May 4, 2019

6:00am-6:15am                             MBS Meditation/Prayer

6:15 am-7:00am                            Nature Walk

8:00am–10:30am                          General Registration

                                                         SASI Sapphire Registration and Lounge

8:00am-4:00pm                            Vendors

8:30am-11:30am                           Plenary IV

12:30-2:30pm                                Program Luncheon & Award

7:00pm-9:00pm                           White Rose Banquet


SUN May 5, 2019


10:00am-11:30am                         Southern Area Transition Meeting